1. Vehicles

1.1. Vehicle

You could find the list of your Vehicles in navigation top-bar.

Vehicle is gathering Vehicle Level Requirements as high-level product scope along with Hardware Topologies which are currently used in Validate section of SODA V.


1.1.1. Vehicle Level Requirements

Vehicle Level Requirements is a first layer of requirements in SODA V. They could be reused in different Vehicles to form a business backlog of a product. Later on they could be included in Features to be derived to Feature Level Requirements. Vehicle Requirements Types

  • Customer Requirements — general vehicle attributes and use-cases;

  • Hardware Constraints — specific hardware or systems used in a vehicle;

  • Regulatory Requirements;

  • Functional Safety Goals;

  • Cybersecurity Goals. Vehicle Requirements List

vehicle requirements

Vehicle Requirements are grouped by types. Could be populated by creating new Requirements or reusing ones from other vehicles.

Read more about Requirements management.

1.1.2. Hardware Topologies

Vehicle’s Hardware Topology is describing vehicle systems and their connections. It is used to configure test environment in Validate section of SODA V. Single Vehicle could include several hardware topologies (e.g. to manage different versions of wiring harness).

1.2. Create a Vehicle

New Vehicle could be created from a corresponding menu in navigation top-bar:

create a vehicle