3.1. Quick Start

Welcome to your introduction to using the SODA.Sim! To get a grasp of its essential features, we highly recommend following these initial steps. This guide will walk you through creating a simple yet functional scenario, showcasing the main features of SODA.Sim in the process.

  1. Launch the application. You can download demo

  2. Load the map Game/OpenDrive/M1/M1 (see also Main Menu):

  3. Switch to the Editor mode

  4. Open Add Actor Menu and add a ‘SODA Vehicle → SodaSampleVeh03’ by dragging it from the menu to the desired position on the map.

  5. Select the newly added vehicle with a left mouse click and rotate it to align its orientation:

  6. Open the components panel by clicking the Components button. This will take you to the Vehicle Components Menu:

  7. optional Configure the VehicleDifferentialSimple by double-clicking on it and setting up the Differential Type and Ratio

  8. optional Similarly, double-click on VehicleGearBoxSimple and set up the Link to Torque Transmission (indicate the name of the corresponding component), along with the primary Gear Box category parameters.

  9. optional Configure VehicleEngineSimple by double-clicking and setting up the Link to Torque Transmission (mention the name of the corresponding component), and the basic Engine category parameters.

  10. optional Double-click on VehicleBrakeSystemSimple and set up the Wheel Brake Setup for each wheel.

  11. Press the ‘Play Scenario’ button:

  12. Make sure all required components are activated:

  13. Now, try maneuvering the vehicle using the following Keyboard Control:

    1. Press ‘X’ to select the vehicle;

    2. Use ‘W’, ‘A’, ‘S’, ‘D’ to move the vehicle.