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1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
1.2. Base Features
2. Understanding the Basics
2.1. Repositories and Contents
2.2. Plugins Unreal Engine
2.3. Others Repo
2.4. Content [UAssets]
2.5. Suggested Workflow
2.6. User Interface Overview
2.6.1. User Interface Overview Main Toolbar Vehicle Dashboard Keyboard Control
2.7. Editor Mode Overview
2.7.1. Editor Mode Overview Actor Operations Actor Settings Menu Vehicle Components Menu Vehicle Debug Panel
3. How To
3.1. Quick Start
3.2. Installation (Pre-requirements)
3.2.1. Pre-requirements
3.2.2. Installation Compatible Unreal Engine Version
3.3. Setup a New UProject
3.3.1. Limitations and requirements
3.3.2. Setup Steps
3.4. Create Blueprint Soda Vehicle
3.4.1. Before you start
3.4.2. Creating a minimum viable Soda Vehicle Blueprint
3.4.3. Create full configuration Create full Soda Vehicle configuration in Blueprint Create full Soda Vehicle configuration in Soda Editor Mode
3.4.4. Start Simulation
3.5. Create Blueprint Soda Actor
3.5.1. Introduction Before you start
3.5.2. Blueprint actor Create Blueprint Soda Actor Create Blueprint Soda Actors Library
4. SodaSim Base API
4.1. Runtime Editor
4.2. Runtime Metadata
4.3. Additional Metadata Specifires
4.4. Base Classes
4.4.1. IEditableObject
4.4.2. SodaApp (FSodaApp)
4.4.3. Soda Actor (ISodaActor)
4.4.4. Actors Librery (USodaLibraryPrimaryAsset)
4.4.5. Game Mode (USodaGameModeComponent)
4.4.6. Level State (ALevelState)
4.4.7. USodaGameViewportClient
4.4.8. ASodaVehicle
4.4.9. Actor Factory (ASodaActorFactory)
4.5. Soda Vehicle API
4.5.1. Soda Vehicle API ASodaVehicle ASodaWheeledVehicle CAN Subsystem DBC Parsing
5. Scenario Actors
5.1. SODA Vehicle
5.2. Navigation Route
5.3. Ghost Vehicle Actors
5.4. Ghost Pedestrian Actors
5.5. Scenario Action Actor
6. Database
6.1. Connection
6.2. Saving/Loading Scenarios in the Database
6.3. Saving/Loading Vehicles in the Database
6.4. Dataset Recording
6.5. MongoDB Structure
6.5.1. Collection “scenarios”
6.5.2. Collection “vehicles”
6.5.3. Collections “datasets” & “dataset*” Collection Document Structure “dataset” Collection Document Structure “dataset*”
6.5.4. Actors Dataset Format Actor Types
Welcome to SODA.Sim documentation!
Welcome to SODA.Sim documentation!
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
1.2. Base Features
2. Understanding the Basics
2.1. Repositories and Contents
2.2. Plugins Unreal Engine
2.3. Others Repo
2.4. Content [UAssets]
2.5. Suggested Workflow
2.6. User Interface Overview
2.7. Editor Mode Overview
3. How To
3.1. Quick Start
3.2. Installation (Pre-requirements)
3.3. Setup a New UProject
3.4. Create Blueprint Soda Vehicle
3.5. Create Blueprint Soda Actor
4. SodaSim Base API
4.1. Runtime Editor
4.2. Runtime Metadata
4.3. Additional Metadata Specifires
4.4. Base Classes
4.5. Soda Vehicle API
5. Scenario Actors
5.1. SODA Vehicle
5.2. Navigation Route
5.3. Ghost Vehicle Actors
5.4. Ghost Pedestrian Actors
5.5. Scenario Action Actor
6. Database
6.1. Connection
6.2. Saving/Loading Scenarios in the Database
6.3. Saving/Loading Vehicles in the Database
6.4. Dataset Recording
6.5. MongoDB Structure